Beyond Measure: A programme of digital engagement exploring
research and evidence in culture and health
Wed 25 Nov, 12:00-14:00
Chaired by Rob Webster, Chief Executive of South West Yorkshire NHS Foundation Trust (SWYFT). He has worked in healthcare since 1990, working in national roles at the Department of Health on policy, transformation, and delivery, as well as acting as director for both the Prime Minister’s Delivery Unit in the Cabinet Office. SWYFT has a track record of investment in arts and health work, an area which Rob is passionate about. He has been a trustee at Leeds Mencap and has chaired formal national networks including cancer, primary care, community services and learning disabilities.
With panellists, Kashif Ahmed, Lead Commissioner for Mental Health, Learning Disabilities, Dementia and Autism, at NHS Leeds Clinical Commissioning Group, Julia Puebla Fortier research fellow at the London School of Tropical Medicine Lerato Dunn, Arts Development Officer at Bristol City Council.
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