Parliamentary Select Committee welcomes creative evidence

The House of Lords COVID-19 Committee has been established to look at the long-term implications of the pandemic for our economy and our society. During the recent All-Party Parliamentary Group on Culture and Wellbeing parliamentarians encouraged the creative sector to contribute, and highlighted creative evidence would be welcome.

They are starting by gathering people’s thoughts about how we can ‘press the reset button’, especially in light of the systemic inequalities in society that the pandemic has highlighted and deepened.

They are asking for people to tell them about long-term hopes and fears for what COVID-19 means for our daily lives, our work and at home, and for how we function as a society. What might it mean for social cohesion, for (in)equality, for our environment or for arts and culture?

If you want to make a video, photo or audio submission then you can tweet them at @HLCOVID19Com using the hashtag #LifeBeyondCOVID. Please note that if you post using this hashtag we will take this as permission to use the content as part of our inquiry (including on our website and in any publications we produce). Find out more at

They’ve also produced two discussion packs – one for schools and organisations that work with people under the age of 18, and one for groups of people over the age of 18. These provide some suggestions for how you can have a group discussion about the issues that the Committee are looking at and a form you can use to then feed back the main points to the Committee.

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